Welcome to the Harry Potter Fan Page, an encyclopaedi resource and community gathering spot for everything related to J.K Rowling`s Wizarding World. Whether you`re looking for info the Harry Potter books, films, we are the #1 Harry Potter fan database
Discover the curiosities behind the students of Hogwarts, delving into the history of the magical world, which sounds quite exciting.
Witches, wizards and Muggles! We meet so many characters in the first Harry Potter book. Learn more about your favorite (or least favourite) ones here.
Know all the books related to Harry Potter that appear in the real world. Writtend by British author J. K. Rowling, these books chronicle he lives of those in the Harry Potter universe.
In order to be invited to study at Hogwarts Schools of Witchcraft and wizardry, you must receive your letter from Hogwarts. Sealed with a red seal, these mysterious pieces of post are usually delivered by owls.
With potions you can learn many very useful things from these bubbling concoctions, enchantments and all sorts of other useful spells.
Discover the curiosities behind the magical world of Harry Potter
Learn about each of the Harry Potter characters.
This category is for all the books related to Harry Potter that appear in the real-world. Written by British author J. K. Rowling, these books chronicle the lives of those in the Harry Potter universe.
The house you belong to says a lot about your personality. You want to know more ?
Would you like to learn spells and potions from the saga? Come and learn them.